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Irani Export

Quality Agro Products

Sustainable Agriculture, Global Reach: Explore our agro export line, promoting eco-friendly practices while delivering superior quality produce worldwide

Hard Work Leads to Premium Quality

From Farm to World: Hard work is our secret ingredient, ensuring each product reflects a labor of love. Fielded with Passion, Harvested with Care: Our agro export products embody the dedication that defines true premium quality.


Our Products

What We Offer

We’ve Partnered Up with Farmers Throughout the Entire Country

We source our products from nearly 10.000 farmers around the states. We guarantee that they share the same passion as we are, in providing good products.

Get in touch.

199/4, C.E.B.road, opatha, kotugoda, srilanka.
(+94)788 575 225
(+94)112 298 502